i really dig this piece, it has a full sound and perfect structure, film makers will love this, i think it lacks originality though that is fine, nice work,
check out my latest "tangerines"
i really dig this piece, it has a full sound and perfect structure, film makers will love this, i think it lacks originality though that is fine, nice work,
check out my latest "tangerines"
You really think film makers will love it? What do you think they'd use it for though? I can see it as the ending credits to something :P yeah, I'm thinking of switching some stuff around later on, making it less repetitve, originality I know sucks :P tThis is a song I was originally playing on piano, and decided to put to work. I need help promoting my work though :(. I'm sure it will happen some day :D. Anyways, thanks for the review! Glad you dig it :P
nice track man.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhh iono fast and chatchy... i'm really to drunk to be giving a review but here anyway
drunk = wise, everyone knows THAT. sleep well!
yes, YES... mind gasm. i love it already, it's not drumnbass, i'm call it down tempo or something like... reminds alot of prodigy and crystal method's stuff.... i like where you going with it. lets just say this track goes well with this glass of wine sitting next to me...
check out my shit
wow.... didn't know I was that good. This is concept music. I hope this becomes my most number 1 heard track besides GX1. I am also hoping for some recognition by other pros out there and I guess this is a start. I am trying to create my own video game as well and well.... I am going to be a one man army for it. I will produce, write and script my own games. even though that may take a while to learn each and every aspect of all the coding in the game. I have no tools though. just a dream.
Thanks for the feed back.
why arnt you signed...
this track is strangly intriguing... structure within chaos, like fractles, or the life cycle of a tree... i'm whitnessing the birth and destruction of time... again man this track is amazing
thanks! Well, I'm not "signed", but I do have an album out. So far, only ONE newgrounder has bought the cd (even though several said they would...), so by all means, check it out! Just search for Gillenium on, or google the pair.
not my style
It's not something i would listen to but i'm sure theres alot of people that would. what tempo are you using? it dosnt sound like any drum'n'bass i've heard.
check out my latest track "Left waiting" out
then it must be some other form of music. I really dont know what stlye it is, but the tempo is 140. sorry it's in the wrong spot, and sure, i'll check out your song
sitting on top of pyramid in the jungle
induces a nice state of mind, i could pick it apart in my mind but there would be no point, it's a beautiful piece and should be left that way... i think commenting on specific points in the song superfluous. i'd rather give more general feed back.
i'm using fL 6, you suggest any plug ins or seperate programs i could use to improve my sound?
Thanks for the review. I use most of the default FL plugins (gotta love the reverb) as well as a few vst's I find online (I won't tell you the site, but it rhymes with Bro Baudio Torrents) As for seperate programs, I only use Adobe Audition in conjunction with FL. I use it for the advanced wav editing.
has potential
truthfully i wouldnt listen to this track again, i feel that the beat is to "fruity" while the melody has a fresh and rythmic feel to it. (i'm not sure if you used fruity loops on the beat but when i say "fruity" i mean it sounds like a quik default fruity loop. if you or someone ever re-furnished this track with a healthy beat it would be an instant classic... contact me if you ever wanna collab?
thanks for the review mind_portal, always nice to get em. and you hi the nail on the head regarding the beat, it was made in fruity loops, using standard beats and such, i'm gonna have to find sum better ones and throw them in. i'm still learning the programme so it may take a while. No probs about you not listening again, im not gonna please everyone am i? But you reckon i've got a classic on my hands? cool.
I'm always up for a collab mate, but never know when i'm free, get some material up and i'll see what we can do.
again many thanks.
ALL HAIL THE DARK LORD, KING OF THE UNDERWORLD... arggg!!! we shall ride on the blood of the innosence tonight brotheren. this shit is hilarious, i love you
personally i dont like this style of drumnbass, bu t it would prolly go well credits ending some flash project... keep on making music
DnB is more of an occasional style i go for, my friend just wanted me to make him a fast song so i figured what the hell, i'll try out a DnB! and this was my first one ever ^^ well thanks for reviewing man!
Joined on 5/25/06